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Women’s Anti-Sexual harassment cell.


  • K. K. Wagh Arts, Commerce, Science and Computer Science College, Chandori strongly believes sexual harassment against a woman is a violation of the fundamental rights of women to equality. The institution is committed to providing a safe and conducive environment for students and women at the workplace as per the Sexual Harassment of woman employers and students in the higher institution at (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
  • Under the Act, the meaning of sexual harassment includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behaviour
  • Physical contact and advances
  • A demand or request for sexual favours
  • Making sexually coloured remarks
  • Showing pornography
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature
  • Objective

  • To prevent discrimination and sexual harassment against women and students in the college by promoting gender amenity
  • TTo fulfill the directive of the Supreme Court for all employers to develop and implement a policy against sexual harassment at the work place
  • Formation of Internal complaint committee for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment and gender based violence in the Campus
  • Implementation of the written complaint through proper reporting and their follow-up procedures
  • Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the violators depending on the nature and extent of injury caused.
  • Procedure for Approaching Cell

    The Cell deals with issues relating to sexual harassment in the college campus. It is applicable to all students, staff and faculty. A complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment may be lodged by the victim or a third party. A written complaint may be addressed to the incharge of the Committee. If the complaint is made to the Principal, or any of the Committee members, they may forward it to the incharge of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment.

    Sr.No. Name Member Type Designation
    1 Prof.(Dr.) M. K. Deore Chairman Principal
    2 Dr. S. G. Sawant Incharge Incharge
    3 Mrs. A. B. Janjale Co-ordinator (IQAC) Assistant Professor
    4 Dr. S. V. Bhandare Member Assistant Professor
    5 Smt. S. B. Bhalerao Member Assistant Professor
    6 Smt. Suvarna Shinde Member Assistant Professor
    7 Smt. D. N. Kulkarni Member Librarian
    8 Prof. P.P.Aher Member HoD
    9 Prof.Smt. D.N. Khairnar Member Assistant Professor
    10 Prof. Miss. R.K. Prasad Member Assistant Professor
    11 Prof. Durgest D. N. Member(CEO) CEO
    12 Prof.. B. B. Kolhe Member(Phy. Director) Physical Director